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Hesperidin: The Citrus Bioflavonoid Powerhouse You Haven’t Heard Of

Article Source: https://www.greenmedinfo.com/blog/hesperidin-citrus-bioflavonoid-powerhouse-you-havent-heard

Accessed from the world wide web at 14:00 hrs on 12.07.20.

Hesperidin, a polyphenolic compound extracted from citrus fruits and known for its anti-inflammatory properties, may have beneficial effects in the prevention of cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases. Further study indicates that hesperidin may prevent varicose vein formation and be useful in the treatment of hemorrhoids and diabetes, yet many have yet to hear about this powerful flavonoid

Hesperidin, a type of bioflavonoid found in citrus fruits, belongs to the polyphenol family and has long been studied for its anti-inflammatory and vasculoprotective properties. While you might not have heard of it, this powerful flavonoid has many well-researched benefits for a variety of common ailments and diseases. Read on to discover six benefits of this potent flavonoid.

1. Hesperidin has Neuroprotective Properties

Preservation of neural tissue is important in the prevention of neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, Huntington’s and multiple sclerosis. Researchers have found that hesperidin has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that improve neural growth, cerebral blood flow, memory and cognitive function.

Furthermore, hesperidin can traverse the blood-brain barrier, a property that makes it an ideal natural therapy in the treatment of neurological diseases.

2. Hesperidin Improves Cardiovascular Health

Hesperidin is best known for its protective effects against cardiovascular disease (CVD). Hesperidin improves inflammation, increases endothelial function, protects against cell injury and may reduce obesity, all of which contribute to reducing CVD risk.

Furthermore, hesperidin has been shown to improve platelet function, which plays an important role in wound and cell healing, and modulates lipid metabolism, which may help prevent arterial diseases like atherosclerosis.

3. Hesperidin has Hypoglycemic Effects and Improves Insulin Resistance

In a study involving diet-induced obesity, researchers demonstrated that hesperidin can improve insulin resistance by down-regulating inflammatory responses.

Inflammation is one of the main hallmarks of insulin resistance and the development of diabetes, and researchers believe that hesperidin’s strong anti-inflammatory effects may make it a natural preventative and therapeutic measure in the treatments of these diseases.

Hesperidin has also been studied for its hypoglycemic effects and guards against high blood sugar by increasing hepatic glycolysis concentration and lowering hepatic gluconeogenesis, making it a potential alternative treatment in the prevention of diabetes and diabetes-induced conditions such as osteoporosis.

4. Oral Consumption of Hesperidin Improves Varicose Veins

Chronic venous insufficiency (CVI), which often results in varicose veins, is a common condition in which the walls and/or valves of leg veins don’t work properly. CVI causes small blood vessels to burst, leaves unsightly marks on the skin and may lead to blood pooling, leg swelling, tissue damage and even ulcers. Because CVI is on the rise and risk increases with age, researchers are eager to find non-surgical therapeutic treatments.

Chronic inflammation is the principal cause of varicose veins, and given hesperidin’s strong anti-inflammatory effects, it’s no surprise that several studies found that oral consumption of this polyphenol or supplements containing hesperidin and diosmin (a synthesized form of hesperidin) could drastically improve varicose vein status and prevent future occurrence.

Furthermore, hesperidin has a strong safety profile, making it an ideal alternative therapy.

5. Hesperidin Reduces Obesity

Obesity is a metabolic disease that has reached epidemic proportions, and researchers are eager to find natural solutions to prevent further onset of obesity-related disorders like diabetes, high blood pressure and stroke.

Hesperidin’s anti-obesity properties have been widely studied, and researchers believe that oral intake of hesperidin can significantly reduce the risk of obesity and obesity-related complications by stimulating the release of appetite-suppressing hormones, reducing cholesterol and triglyceride levels, and improving fatty acid and lipid metabolism.

In one study, hesperidin combined with caffeine decreased abdominal fat when compared to placebo, but researchers believe more studies are needed to determine the exact dosages and bioavailability of this polyphenol before it can be officially released as an anti-obesity supplement.

6. Hesperidin Reduces the Severity and Duration of Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are swollen veins that occur in the anus or rectum and cause pain or bleeding. In a study involving 1,952 patients, supplements containing hesperidin and diosmin drastically reduced hemorrhoid-related symptoms including bleeding, pain and swelling.

Preliminary research suggests that flavonoid-based treatments such as hesperidin are a safe and effective way to reduce the risk of hemorrhoid bleeding by 67% and relapse of hemorrhoids by 47%.

Safety and Efficacy of Hesperidin Treatment

In addition to its many benefits, researchers have demonstrated that hesperidin is a safe and effective treatment with limited adverse effects. In multiple studies, hesperidin-treated patients experienced no side effects, and in one study, no mutagenic, toxic or carcinogenic effects were experienced after even 13 weeks of administration.

Furthermore, hesperidin-based therapies are non-accumulative in nature and don’t affect liver, renal or metabolic function even after high or prolonged dosages.

Hesperidin’s therapeutic potential is vast, and this review only scratches the surface of what this potent flavonoid can accomplish. To learn more about which common ailments and diseases hesperidin can improve, visit the GreenMedInfo.com hesperidin research database.