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Modern Slavery Act Statement

THE HEALTH AND WELLBEING TRUST statement (regarding the Modern Slavery Act) as approved by the HEALTH AND WELLBEING TRUST Directors and Board of Trustees December 2015

Legal reference

Modern Slavery Act 2015  (Link to UK Government website)

Opening statement

The HEALTH AND WELLBEING TRUST runs its activities with integrity. Modern slavery is a complex and multi-faceted crime and tackling it requires all of us to play a part. The HEALTH AND WELLBEING TRUST is committed to preventing acts of modern slavery and human trafficking from occurring within its business and supply chain.

The Modern Slavery Act 2015 requires UK organisations with an annual turnover of £36m or more to report on the steps they are taking to ensure that modern slavery is not taking place in its supply chains, and published with a link to the home page on its website. However, small as we are, THE HEALTH AND WELLBEING TRUST takes this issue seriously.


The HEALTH AND WELLBEING TRUST is a registered as a charity with the Charity Commission in England and Wales number 1122079.

We are dedicated to the education of the public and healthcare professional in natural integrative health care approaches for the promotion of health and wellbeing

Our registered office is in Bristol in the UK at Ham Green House, Chapel Pill Lane, Pill, BS20 0HH

In order to deliver its activities, the HEALTH AND WELLBEING TRUST works with a range of suppliers, including publishing services, website and e-learning services taking care to ensure that none of our authors, teachers or suppliers are involved in the abuse of other humans in any way.

Position statement

The HEALTH AND WELLBEING TRUST recognises the need to assess the risks of slavery or human trafficking. The HEALTH AND WELLBEING TRUST also recognises that there may be gaps in visibility of supply chains and limitations in the tools used to identify risks. Addressing these is a complex task and therefore will take time and training to develop an effective framework.

We are glad to report that the HEALTH AND WELLBEING TRUST has not ever found any instances of modern slavery in its operations or supply chain.