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An Overview – Cancer

Cancer is a condition where cells in a specific part of the body grow and reproduce uncontrollably. The cancerous cells can invade and destroy surrounding healthy tissue, including organs.

Cancer sometimes begins in one part of the body before spreading to other areas. This process is known as metastasis.

More than 1 in 3 people will develop some form of cancer during their lifetime. In the UK, the 4 most common types of cancer are:

  • breast cancer
  • lung cancer
  • prostate cancer
  • bowel cancer

There are more than 200 different types of cancer, and each is diagnosed and treated in a particular way.

Experts think that about a quarter of all cancer deaths are caused by unhealthy diets and obesity. Eating healthy, nutritious fresh food is vital to our health and wellbeing and evidence shows that a wholefood diet low in animal fats, salt, sugar, processed foods, chemical additives, stimulants and excess alcohol is best.

The health benefits of fitness and aerobic exercise in which heart and breathing rates are raised are also huge. By keeping fit, our hearts and lungs remain strong, our circulation flows well and we are less likely to become obese. People who exercise regularly are proven to have reductions in rates of cancer and heart disease.

Cancer Lead Bodies

For more information, please select Lead Body – Cancer Research UK, Lead Body – Macmillan, or Lead Body – Marie Curie  in Resources on the left, to be redirected to their sites.

Other Evidence Sources & Key Reports

Cancer Research UK – Research Features

The Cancer Research UK ‘Research Features’ explore in more depth how they are implementing our Research Strategy, and the opportunities available to people as researchers. Please see Cancer Evidence Source 1 – Cancer Research UK in Resources to be redirected.

National Cancer Institute – Our Research

DCEG’s multidisciplinary research covers most types of cancer and many exposures in a variety of populations. Their cadre of in-house scientists – epidemiologists, geneticists, biostatisticians, and clinicians – form interdisciplinary teams to study complex questions. DCEG forms collaborative partnerships within the NIH/NCI intramural research program and with scientists at academic and medical institutions around the world, which enables it to carry out its research. Please see Cancer Evidence Source 2 – National Cancer Institute in Resources to be redirected.


Title: Your life in your hands – Understanding, preventing and overcoming breast cancer
Author: Plant, Professor J.
Publishers: Virgin Publishing ISBN 1 85227 809 9

Please see Cancer Evidence Source 3 – Overcoming Breast Cancer Book in Resources to be redirected to a link to purchase the book.